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February 23rd, 8:44 am
On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Jimmy. This is from the vault.
 Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
Plus hour of great music.
Why the Inner Journey, which is happening 24/7? Why do we not share our full selves often? Maybe out of fear, fear which blocks Love which is a very basic need. To share our hearts, open with our vulnerability is also empowering, speaks of surrender. Ultimately greater unity on the Planet, deeper connection more unity. More conscious awareness of the way forward, what is driving us forward, which is really self inquiry, for the planet and for everyone. To stay separate in our own bubble is not really nurturing of our full self. It is also exploration into our own possibility, which is also about being open. To be open to all these parts of ourselves, is in a way an acknowledgement and celebration of life itself. Personally I explore my life in many different ways - clowning; cross-dressing; improvising; writing poetry; singing; acting; it all adds to the richness of life. To feel open is also to be receptive to love and nurturing. I have been blessed to have heard over Over 300 inner journeys, I have felt many things along the way while doing this. How good is that? Community engagement on a slightly deeper level. I can let you know how I focus the inner journey if you want to share your inner journey with me and my dear listeners, for each and every one of us and the planet.                                                                                    

On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Jimmy. This is from the vault.
Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
Plus hour of great music.
Why the Inner Journey, which is happening 24/7? Why do we not share our full selves often? Maybe out of fear, fear which blocks Love which is a very basic need. To share our hearts, open with our vulnerability is also empowering, speaks of surrender. Ultimately greater unity on the Planet, deeper connection more unity. More conscious awareness of the way forward, what is driving us forward, which is really self inquiry, for the planet and for everyone. To stay separate in our own bubble is not really nurturing of our full self. It is also exploration into our own possibility, which is also about being open. To be open to all these parts of ourselves, is in a way an acknowledgement and celebration of life itself. Personally I explore my life in many different ways - clowning; cross-dressing; improvising; writing poetry; singing; acting; it all adds to the richness of life. To feel open is also to be receptive to love and nurturing. I have been blessed to have heard over Over 300 inner journeys, I have felt many things along the way while doing this. How good is that? Community engagement on a slightly deeper level. I can let you know how I focus the inner journey if you want to share your inner journey with me and my dear listeners, for each and every one of us and the planet.
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February 16th, 3:20 pm
On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Carlos. Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
Plus hour of great music.
The world of politics is a reflection of what is the consciousness of the masses. So consider where we put our focus. Where is the human heart in all this, it just sadly is not there with all that pandering to the war within, the war without. Defence at the expense of caring for each other the military industrial machine in some far off land, bombing someone, its all just the stuff of ego gone mad. In amongst all that we have to become aware of what is really going on deep inside, because thats where real change begins. We are the 90% who can stand up, do our own inner actions not based on fear, but on love and sometimes we have to confront issues along the way in order to arrive free with our potential unleashed and alive.
How open we are is tied to how fluid and free our emotions are. With what weve grown up with the culture and unspoken rules of keeping all of that side of us bottled up and held in, it just hasnt helped. To be open and receptive, to love and other earthly delights is godsend. So weve all been on this evolving pathway of a more solid wholesome I. Every single person on the planet has the same thing going on to more or lesser a degree. So we have to work on bringing back more of those qualities into being on the planet. These qualities are about the human heart, empathy and caring for everyone, and more connection.  We humans have been brought up to believe that everything important, and our nurturing, is to  be found outside of ourselves in the form of possessions etc. This is just not true. We have told stories for thousands of years in order to know who we are, and those stories cut to that inner journey of self discovery.
So I consider doing the inner journey as being that small ripple to more solid relationships and common unity, for the planet. To focus the inner journey all that is required is that you come along with six events in your life that rattled you on the inside.  It is also about our common connection, looking at a new narrative of being. You only also talk about what you want to talk about. Recorded off-air, your place or mine? 
These are my crazy ramblings, please consider them                                                               https://ourinnerstories.com.au/home

On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Carlos. Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
Plus hour of great music.
The world of politics is a reflection of what is the consciousness of the masses. So consider where we put our focus. Where is the human heart in all this, it just sadly is not there with all that pandering to the war within, the war without. Defence at the expense of caring for each other the military industrial machine in some far off land, bombing someone, its all just the stuff of ego gone mad. In amongst all that we have to become aware of what is really going on deep inside, because thats where real change begins. We are the 90% who can stand up, do our own inner actions not based on fear, but on love and sometimes we have to confront issues along the way in order to arrive free with our potential unleashed and alive.
How open we are is tied to how fluid and free our emotions are. With what we've grown up with the culture and unspoken rules of keeping all of that side of us bottled up and held in, it just hasn't helped. To be open and receptive, to love and other earthly delights is godsend. So we've all been on this evolving pathway of a more solid wholesome I. Every single person on the planet has the same thing going on to more or lesser a degree. So we have to work on bringing back more of those qualities into being on the planet. These qualities are about the human heart, empathy and caring for everyone, and more connection. We humans have been brought up to believe that everything important, and our nurturing, is to be found outside of ourselves in the form of possessions etc. This is just not true. We have told stories for thousands of years in order to know who we are, and those stories cut to that inner journey of self discovery.
So I consider doing the inner journey as being that small ripple to more solid relationships and common unity, for the planet. To focus the inner journey all that is required is that you come along with six events in your life that rattled you on the inside. It is also about our common connection, looking at a new narrative of being. You only also talk about what you want to talk about. Recorded off-air, your place or mine?
These are my crazy ramblings, please consider them ourinnerstories.com.au/home
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January 26th, 2:37 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream     Todays conversation is with Mandy  After that music to surrender too       Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else.  This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I dont have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’. 
Please find your own truths in all that.       https://ourinnerstories.com.au/home

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Todays conversation is with Mandy After that music to surrender too Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else. This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I don't have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’.
Please find your own truths in all that. ourinnerstories.com.au/home
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January 12th, 4:23 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays  between 2 and 4 pm  “OUR STORIES” Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Oh, and then there is sublime Music. This weeks Inner Journey Conversation with Kathrin.    Please Consider and Engage with my Rave.                                                     
Come sit with me. You will get to hear my story as well. Whichever way you look at it, its all a part of your story too. Sharing our inner journeys offers  the deeper human connection, self reflection and Love. My story was sometimes a great difficulty navigating around others in my life and what I had been told of how I should be in this world. I got to see, after a long time how I had let myself down by many limiting beliefs. I had no clarity of what was going on but I did surrender and transitioned to an awareness of a more stronger me inside. It was a seven year journey, although still exploring my own potential which is offered to us everyday by the universe if we can leave the distractions behind and listen.  Its all for a better world, because our healing is Mother Earths healing. When I recognised that I had grown in myself I wanted to share that with everyone to let the love in, to tune into what is really going on beneath the quagmire of disfunction that is trying to grab us all, to take us all to this dark place of alienation and despair. 
Telling our own deeper inner stories can be illuminating and freeing and also the many possibilities of letting love in. We  cannot erase our storys nor their content. Owning them is to see the wisdom being offered for much more fluid ways being. We will become much more in touch with our own humanity, the commonalty of all our stories. So come sit wth me and tell me your story.   https://ourinnerstories.com.au/home/

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4 pm “OUR STORIES” Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Oh, and then there is sublime Music. This weeks Inner Journey Conversation with Kathrin. Please Consider and Engage with my Rave.
Come sit with me. You will get to hear my story as well. Whichever way you look at it, its all a part of your story too. Sharing our inner journeys offers the deeper human connection, self reflection and Love. My story was sometimes a great difficulty navigating around others in my life and what I had been told of how I should be in this world. I got to see, after a long time how I had let myself down by many limiting beliefs. I had no clarity of what was going on but I did surrender and transitioned to an awareness of a more stronger me inside. It was a seven year journey, although still exploring my own potential which is offered to us everyday by the universe if we can leave the distractions behind and listen. Its all for a better world, because our healing is Mother Earths healing. When I recognised that I had grown in myself I wanted to share that with everyone to let the love in, to tune into what is really going on beneath the quagmire of disfunction that is trying to grab us all, to take us all to this dark place of alienation and despair.
Telling our own deeper inner stories can be illuminating and freeing and also the many possibilities of letting love in. We cannot erase our storys nor their content. Owning them is to see the wisdom being offered for much more fluid ways being. We will become much more in touch with our own humanity, the commonalty of all our stories. So come sit wth me and tell me your story. ourinnerstories.com.au/home/
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January 5th, 4:25 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream     Todays conversation is with Janelle.  After that music to surrender too       Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else.  This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I dont have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’. 
Please find your own truths in all that.       https://ourinnerstories.com.au/home

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Todays conversation is with Janelle. After that music to surrender too Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else. This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I don't have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’.
Please find your own truths in all that. ourinnerstories.com.au/home
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December 29th, 2:06 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream     Todays conversation is with Ian. After that music to surrender too       Consider and engage with my rant.
Wee have our physical self, our emotional self, our psycho-spiritual self, and our intellectual mind. All these parts should make up the whole and operate in tandem with each other. If, for example you are an academic and you live very much in, or operate from your intellectual mind, there is a huge limitation, because all of the other aspects/parts of who we are have been left out in the cold. Parts of us that are every bit as important to our total nurturing and caring our maturity as a whole. To embrace the totality of our being is also good for the planet because with the embracing of more of who we truly are comes acceptance and less separation, more openness to love etc. Our perception of the world can change and become more expansive, creative to healing our world which is not in good shape. Our very own psychology has a part and is inextricably linked to the big dilemmas of the precipice we now sit on. Connection to each other and the good earth won’t happen while there are barriers set in stone.
Through my own inner and outer journeys, of pain and suffering, I did recognise things which I opened my eyes to more of me and with that came my desire to engage deeply with fellow humans. The inner journey or heart story’s is a way of bearing witness to endless possibility and awareness. Including connection and empathy to fellow humans

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Todays conversation is with Ian. After that music to surrender too Consider and engage with my rant.
Wee have our physical self, our emotional self, our psycho-spiritual self, and our intellectual mind. All these parts should make up the whole and operate in tandem with each other. If, for example you are an academic and you live very much in, or operate from your intellectual mind, there is a huge limitation, because all of the other aspects/parts of who we are have been left out in the cold. Parts of us that are every bit as important to our total nurturing and caring our maturity as a whole. To embrace the totality of our being is also good for the planet because with the embracing of more of who we truly are comes acceptance and less separation, more openness to love etc. Our perception of the world can change and become more expansive, creative to healing our world which is not in good shape. Our very own psychology has a part and is inextricably linked to the big dilemmas of the precipice we now sit on. Connection to each other and the good earth won’t happen while there are barriers set in stone.
Through my own inner and outer journeys, of pain and suffering, I did recognise things which I opened my eyes to more of me and with that came my desire to engage deeply with fellow humans. The inner journey or heart story’s is a way of bearing witness to endless possibility and awareness. Including connection and empathy to fellow humans
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December 22nd, 6:39 pm
On River FM 92.9 on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm OUR STORIES  The inner journey this week is with Cindi, From the vault  2ncr.org.au to live stream. And of course always divine music.
Please engage with my rave and add to the conversation.
How do we make conscious what is held in the dark recesses of our psyche? Personally I had some experiences where I was triggered in my inner world by something that someone said which led me to self reflection. What was it that bothered me so much? And I think that if something bothers you, it is always a good chance to explore. I was able to go deep into that, recognise the cause of my reaction, the starting point of why it came down to something that happened a long time ago. To be clear and concise with each other we have to illuminate the unconscious, otherwise we live in the confusion and uncaring world for self and others. When I feel reactive to something which someone has said, while I could stay in reactivity I can also delve deep into the truth. There is always a deeper truth out there in the ether waiting for its day in the sunshine, its day of recognition. This also may sound indulgent, but consider the more we all do this deep self-inquiry the better the world we are all living in, which all equals more nurturing and caring for each other. Just a small part of my inner journeying. Socrates quote ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’, which I think speaks to what I have just been talking about.                                                              My website https://ourinnerstories.com.au/

On River FM 92.9 on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm OUR STORIES The inner journey this week is with Cindi, From the vault 2ncr.org.au to live stream. And of course always divine music.
Please engage with my rave and add to the conversation.
How do we make conscious what is held in the dark recesses of our psyche? Personally I had some experiences where I was triggered in my inner world by something that someone said which led me to self reflection. What was it that bothered me so much? And I think that if something bothers you, it is always a good chance to explore. I was able to go deep into that, recognise the cause of my reaction, the starting point of why it came down to something that happened a long time ago. To be clear and concise with each other we have to illuminate the unconscious, otherwise we live in the confusion and uncaring world for self and others. When I feel reactive to something which someone has said, while I could stay in reactivity I can also delve deep into the truth. There is always a deeper truth out there in the ether waiting for its day in the sunshine, its day of recognition. This also may sound indulgent, but consider the more we all do this deep self-inquiry the better the world we are all living in, which all equals more nurturing and caring for each other. Just a small part of my inner journeying. Socrates quote ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’, which I think speaks to what I have just been talking about. My website ourinnerstories.com.au/
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