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January 5th, 4:25 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream     Todays conversation is with Janelle.  After that music to surrender too       Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else.  This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I dont have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’. 
Please find your own truths in all that.       https://ourinnerstories.com.au/home

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Todays conversation is with Janelle. After that music to surrender too Consider and engage with my rant.
The Inner Journey more often than not is heartfelt stories from the heart of humanity. We often feel the person sharing their inner sacred journey, that then is our common connection and with that comes empathy and feeling for someone else. This is sometimes pain of being human. But when we stand and walk together there is great joy in that. A slightly deeper community engagement for the sake of healing the planet. We are the 99%, we could take back the planet tomorrow, but it would take mass awakening, mass embodiment of new ways of being, away from the tradition and past fictional limited mindset narratives we were led to believe as truth. We can rise together, it all starts with inner action and lots of letting go. We might feel vulnerable but that can also be strength. Please engage and consider this rave. Part of my own inner journey, for years I lived a lie and what I did to keep the lie in place, the myths I created, the masks I wore, the games I played, it all created so much pain and then eventually I had to own it. Finally I told myself I don't have to do this anymore. For us to live more in truth and integrity creates openness to receive love, the elixir of life itself. Remember what Socrates said ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’.
Please find your own truths in all that. ourinnerstories.com.au/home
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December 29th, 2:06 pm
On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream     Todays conversation is with Ian. After that music to surrender too       Consider and engage with my rant.
Wee have our physical self, our emotional self, our psycho-spiritual self, and our intellectual mind. All these parts should make up the whole and operate in tandem with each other. If, for example you are an academic and you live very much in, or operate from your intellectual mind, there is a huge limitation, because all of the other aspects/parts of who we are have been left out in the cold. Parts of us that are every bit as important to our total nurturing and caring our maturity as a whole. To embrace the totality of our being is also good for the planet because with the embracing of more of who we truly are comes acceptance and less separation, more openness to love etc. Our perception of the world can change and become more expansive, creative to healing our world which is not in good shape. Our very own psychology has a part and is inextricably linked to the big dilemmas of the precipice we now sit on. Connection to each other and the good earth won’t happen while there are barriers set in stone.
Through my own inner and outer journeys, of pain and suffering, I did recognise things which I opened my eyes to more of me and with that came my desire to engage deeply with fellow humans. The inner journey or heart story’s is a way of bearing witness to endless possibility and awareness. Including connection and empathy to fellow humans

On River FM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4pm. OUR STORIES Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream Todays conversation is with Ian. After that music to surrender too Consider and engage with my rant.
Wee have our physical self, our emotional self, our psycho-spiritual self, and our intellectual mind. All these parts should make up the whole and operate in tandem with each other. If, for example you are an academic and you live very much in, or operate from your intellectual mind, there is a huge limitation, because all of the other aspects/parts of who we are have been left out in the cold. Parts of us that are every bit as important to our total nurturing and caring our maturity as a whole. To embrace the totality of our being is also good for the planet because with the embracing of more of who we truly are comes acceptance and less separation, more openness to love etc. Our perception of the world can change and become more expansive, creative to healing our world which is not in good shape. Our very own psychology has a part and is inextricably linked to the big dilemmas of the precipice we now sit on. Connection to each other and the good earth won’t happen while there are barriers set in stone.
Through my own inner and outer journeys, of pain and suffering, I did recognise things which I opened my eyes to more of me and with that came my desire to engage deeply with fellow humans. The inner journey or heart story’s is a way of bearing witness to endless possibility and awareness. Including connection and empathy to fellow humans
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December 22nd, 6:39 pm
On River FM 92.9 on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm OUR STORIES  The inner journey this week is with Cindi, From the vault  2ncr.org.au to live stream. And of course always divine music.
Please engage with my rave and add to the conversation.
How do we make conscious what is held in the dark recesses of our psyche? Personally I had some experiences where I was triggered in my inner world by something that someone said which led me to self reflection. What was it that bothered me so much? And I think that if something bothers you, it is always a good chance to explore. I was able to go deep into that, recognise the cause of my reaction, the starting point of why it came down to something that happened a long time ago. To be clear and concise with each other we have to illuminate the unconscious, otherwise we live in the confusion and uncaring world for self and others. When I feel reactive to something which someone has said, while I could stay in reactivity I can also delve deep into the truth. There is always a deeper truth out there in the ether waiting for its day in the sunshine, its day of recognition. This also may sound indulgent, but consider the more we all do this deep self-inquiry the better the world we are all living in, which all equals more nurturing and caring for each other. Just a small part of my inner journeying. Socrates quote ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’, which I think speaks to what I have just been talking about.                                                              My website https://ourinnerstories.com.au/

On River FM 92.9 on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm OUR STORIES The inner journey this week is with Cindi, From the vault 2ncr.org.au to live stream. And of course always divine music.
Please engage with my rave and add to the conversation.
How do we make conscious what is held in the dark recesses of our psyche? Personally I had some experiences where I was triggered in my inner world by something that someone said which led me to self reflection. What was it that bothered me so much? And I think that if something bothers you, it is always a good chance to explore. I was able to go deep into that, recognise the cause of my reaction, the starting point of why it came down to something that happened a long time ago. To be clear and concise with each other we have to illuminate the unconscious, otherwise we live in the confusion and uncaring world for self and others. When I feel reactive to something which someone has said, while I could stay in reactivity I can also delve deep into the truth. There is always a deeper truth out there in the ether waiting for its day in the sunshine, its day of recognition. This also may sound indulgent, but consider the more we all do this deep self-inquiry the better the world we are all living in, which all equals more nurturing and caring for each other. Just a small part of my inner journeying. Socrates quote ‘a life unexamined is not worth living’, which I think speaks to what I have just been talking about. My website ourinnerstories.com.au/
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December 15th, 1:11 pm
River FM 92.9. Between 2 and 4pm Mondays. The show is OUR STORIES. The inner journey conversation this week is with Kate Stroud  2ncr.org.au/stream to live stream. And of course I always play divine music just for you. Here is some writing by Jeff Brown about not stepping over your body . We arrived with body and all contained within.
Shame  comes at us from many different directions- families of origin, the guilt tripping religious world, the competitive marketplace, the collective consciousness itself. I know of very few people who move through the world with a healthy sense of self, with a real appreciation for their divinity and inherent magnificence. And the spiritual bypass movement just makes things worse for those who are seeking answers, bashing the ego in its entirety, repressing the shadow in the name of a version of enlightenment that is more self-avoidant than expansive, and even characterizing the body as spiritually sub-standard, as though the divine made a mistake putting us in human form. This cycle is often perpetuated by the artificial forgiveness community, who diminish those who dare to work on their unresolved feelings by telling them that their feelings are an illusion, their experiences are mischaracterized, their stories tiresome. Just jump out of your process and forgive your wrongdoers- put their process ahead of even your own. Levels and levels of madness, that leave spiritual seekers entirely confused about the value of healing the pain body and elevating the self-concept. Let’s get this straight- Shame is not an illusion. Self-loathing is not an illusion. Our stories are not illusions. Abuse and neglect are not illusions. And the need to heal our hearts and elevate our self-concepts is essential to healthy functioning. Pretending things aren’t real doesn’t make them go away. Facing them does. JEFF BROWN
My Website wwwourinnerstories.com.au

River FM 92.9. Between 2 and 4pm Mondays. The show is OUR STORIES. The inner journey conversation this week is with Kate Stroud 2ncr.org.au/stream to live stream. And of course I always play divine music just for you. Here is some writing by Jeff Brown about not stepping over your body . We arrived with body and all contained within.
Shame comes at us from many different directions- families of origin, the guilt tripping religious world, the competitive marketplace, the collective consciousness itself. I know of very few people who move through the world with a healthy sense of self, with a real appreciation for their divinity and inherent magnificence. And the spiritual bypass movement just makes things worse for those who are seeking answers, bashing the ego in its entirety, repressing the shadow in the name of a version of enlightenment that is more self-avoidant than expansive, and even characterizing the body as spiritually sub-standard, as though the divine made a mistake putting us in human form. This cycle is often perpetuated by the artificial forgiveness community, who diminish those who dare to work on their unresolved feelings by telling them that their feelings are an illusion, their experiences are mischaracterized, their stories tiresome. Just jump out of your process and forgive your wrongdoers- put their process ahead of even your own. Levels and levels of madness, that leave spiritual seekers entirely confused about the value of healing the pain body and elevating the self-concept. Let’s get this straight- Shame is not an illusion. Self-loathing is not an illusion. Our stories are not illusions. Abuse and neglect are not illusions. And the need to heal our hearts and elevate our self-concepts is essential to healthy functioning. Pretending things aren’t real doesn’t make them go away. Facing them does. JEFF BROWN
My Website wwwourinnerstories.com.au
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December 11th, 2:57 pm

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December 11th, 2:49 pm

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November 17th, 4:01 pm
On RiverFM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4 pm  OUR STORIES.  Live streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream. Todays inner journey is with  Johnny Linehan  stay tuned for deeper community engagement. Then there is the music !!!
Please consider my rave, are there truths for you.  
The ideal is that we live in the moment. When we have other things going on, mostly from our past, our ego wanting to be front and centre or we have some agenda we might want to manipulate someone to our way of thinking, however subtle, then we are not living in the moment. My idea on this is that we cant step over any human behaviour and move into the now. We must first address any issues or conflicts, free ourselves from them by recognising them, illuminating them, bear witness to them and maybe even feel the pain of what they are deeply about. This requires deep delving, maybe even talking to a support person who is there to listen and intuitively let you know when you are moving away from the truth. This then becomes deep self-inquiry. Then you might be in the moment. You also have not denied the whole of who you are which includes your emotional self, your psycho-spiritual self, which is attached to your physical self. There is no separation. No method, no guru, no teacher. Thankyou Van Morrison. And I hope your inner journey this week informs your way of being. My Website     

On RiverFM 92.9 Mondays between 2 and 4 pm OUR STORIES. Live streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream. Todays inner journey is with Johnny Linehan stay tuned for deeper community engagement. Then there is the music !!!
Please consider my rave, are there truths for you.
The ideal is that we live in the moment. When we have other things going on, mostly from our past, our ego wanting to be front and centre or we have some agenda we might want to manipulate someone to our way of thinking, however subtle, then we are not living in the moment. My idea on this is that we can't step over any human behaviour and move into the now. We must first address any issues or conflicts, free ourselves from them by recognising them, illuminating them, bear witness to them and maybe even feel the pain of what they are deeply about. This requires deep delving, maybe even talking to a support person who is there to listen and intuitively let you know when you are moving away from the truth. This then becomes deep self-inquiry. Then you might be in the moment. You also have not denied the whole of who you are which includes your emotional self, your psycho-spiritual self, which is attached to your physical self. There is no separation. No method, no guru, no teacher. Thankyou Van Morrison. And I hope your inner journey this week informs your way of being. My Website
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October 27th, 1:10 pm
On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Eric. The first conversation i ever did and i believe still relevant. After that, just fabulous music.
 Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
My rave - Thanks again to all those who have stepped up and shared the love and themselves. To share the whole of who we are from the heart, with our heart open in the black of night. One of lifes challenges. To realise that we have decided to move in a different direction is a challenge, because that is change and we come up against the ego which says what we were already doing was fine. But maybe not. Anyway our deep knowing instinct will tell us, so this is why we must make room for our feeling, instinctual self. It will guide us to truth and knowing, what a relief.�Often we are at crossroads within and we do something completely different, or confront something we have been sitting on for years, the choice is ours. Often we are deciding to meet the challenge head on, we have all those voices from the dominant patriarchal narrative which after all, did instil fear in us and kept us in inertia and muted and holding pattern. Take courage and step up, rock the boat if need be, its up to you. Its also up to you to consider my crazy rant, add your own truths. Lets evolve the revolution for mother earth.
My website   https://ourinnerstories.com.au/

On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Eric. The first conversation i ever did and i believe still relevant. After that, just fabulous music.
Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
My rave - Thanks again to all those who have stepped up and shared the love and themselves. To share the whole of who we are from the heart, with our heart open in the black of night. One of life's challenges. To realise that we have decided to move in a different direction is a challenge, because that is change and we come up against the ego which says what we were already doing was fine. But maybe not. Anyway our deep knowing instinct will tell us, so this is why we must make room for our feeling, instinctual self. It will guide us to truth and knowing, what a relief.�Often we are at crossroads within and we do something completely different, or confront something we have been sitting on for years, the choice is ours. Often we are deciding to meet the challenge head on, we have all those voices from the dominant patriarchal narrative which after all, did instil fear in us and kept us in inertia and muted and holding pattern. Take courage and step up, rock the boat if need be, its up to you. Its also up to you to consider my crazy rant, add your own truths. Lets evolve the revolution for mother earth.
My website ourinnerstories.com.au/
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October 25th, 11:13 am

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October 20th, 10:55 am
On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Dudley. After that just fabulous music.
 Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
We are the earth, and I think we all want a better world where we treat the earth far better than what is taking place right now. 
My ideal world - we would create more solid, caring, inclusive, connected communities.
How would we do that? By our very own willingness to step up, take risks with each other (yes relationships can get messy and it is a big call). 
Solid communities really cut to the heart of change, because as a collective they challenge the old rigid patriarchal culture of denial and duplicity. 
To create those communities we have to build strong interpersonal relationships. The human species has the habit of looking outside at the politicians and everyone else, but hey, if we were more aligned and stood as one force in numbers, we could achieve anything, including taking back the planet from the destroyers of Mother Earth. 
We come from a basically un-nurturing culture that often doesn’t feel. A culture of sibling rivalry and emotionally immaturity. So generally, when we try to work in unity we sometimes have numbers of ego driven divisive people who want attention and to be front and centre. We must bring some awareness to a big part of human behaviour and stand as one, call out bad behaviour for what it is.
Only when we address at least some of our own issues can we truly stand together as one. We are the 99% and a better world awaits, even if only 75% stepped up to the occasion.
I think this is the direction of where we need to go. These are only words and not a concept. If we do actions relating to this we might empower ourselves and others. If we rant on about politicians, then that is a total waste of energy and it doesn’t achieve anything. 
Having said that, their model is broken and they do not operate in solidarity with each other, nor are they having true, real relationships. What I am proposing doesnt mean that we are all going to be fully realised, conscious beings, because I think that is too much to ask. I think there are things to make really solid community, fighting for human rights and Mother Earth. I am into sitting down with anyone face to face, and having a get real truth telling session . Please engage with this find your own truth, how would you make deeper 
connections, more openness in your      https://ourinnerstories.com.au

On River FM on Mondays between 2 and 4pm. Please join me on OUR STORIES, this weeks inner journey conversation is with Dudley. After that just fabulous music.
Live Streaming 2ncr.org.au/stream
We are the earth, and I think we all want a better world where we treat the earth far better than what is taking place right now.
My ideal world - we would create more solid, caring, inclusive, connected communities.
How would we do that? By our very own willingness to step up, take risks with each other (yes relationships can get messy and it is a big call).
Solid communities really cut to the heart of change, because as a collective they challenge the old rigid patriarchal culture of denial and duplicity.
To create those communities we have to build strong interpersonal relationships. The human species has the habit of looking outside at the politicians and everyone else, but hey, if we were more aligned and stood as one force in numbers, we could achieve anything, including taking back the planet from the destroyers of Mother Earth.
We come from a basically un-nurturing culture that often doesn’t feel. A culture of sibling rivalry and emotionally immaturity. So generally, when we try to work in unity we sometimes have numbers of ego driven divisive people who want attention and to be front and centre. We must bring some awareness to a big part of human behaviour and stand as one, call out bad behaviour for what it is.
Only when we address at least some of our own issues can we truly stand together as one. We are the 99% and a better world awaits, even if only 75% stepped up to the occasion.
I think this is the direction of where we need to go. These are only words and not a concept. If we do actions relating to this we might empower ourselves and others. If we rant on about politicians, then that is a total waste of energy and it doesn’t achieve anything.
Having said that, their model is broken and they do not operate in solidarity with each other, nor are they having true, real relationships. What I am proposing doesn't mean that we are all going to be fully realised, conscious beings, because I think that is too much to ask. I think there are things to make really solid community, fighting for human rights and Mother Earth. I am into sitting down with anyone face to face, and having a get real truth telling session . Please engage with this find your own truth, how would you make deeper
connections, more openness in your ourinnerstories.com.au
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