
Why sponsor River FM 92.9?

River FM 92.9 is part of the local community and is a non profit organisation. This means your sponsorship stays local and does not go to a corporate organisation in a capital city. It all stays LOCAL.


57% of Australians Listen to Community Radio

Did you know that the 2008 McNair Community Radio National Listener Survey found that 57% of Australians listen to Community Radio. By not sponsoring Community Radio you may be missing over half of your target audience.


Won’t My Message Get Lost In the Crowd?

Did you know that community radio stations are only allowed to broadcast 5 minutes of sponsorship messages each hour? This means that your message has a greater chance of being received by your targeted audience.


Want to know more ?

Call River FM 92.9 on (02) 6622 7939 during business hours or contact us by email at sponsorship@2ncr.org.au.


We Thank Our Current Sponsors

Without you we couldn’t survive.

Hutley Bros Butchers (Delicious snags as seen at our BBQ’s)

The Northern Rivers Echo

William Riley Funerals